“…Part of the hassle in choosing a prior arises from the difficulty to interpret variance parameters, especially for intrinsic processes, where the standard deviation is to be interpreted as a conditional one (Fong et al, 2010;Riebler et al, 2016). On top of that, in models with various terms, the tendency is to set priors independently for each precision parameter, while some authors are beginning to recognize that it might be more practical to think about total variability and how each term in the model contributes to that rather than to concentrate on single variance components separately (Wakefield, 2007;Riebler et al, 2016;Fuglstad et al, 2020;Ventrucci et al, 2020). In the context of disease mapping, Wakefield (2007) proposes using an inverse Gamma prior on the total variability, along with a Beta prior that distributes the variance between a spatially correlated random field and a spatially unstructured effect (the so called BYM model, Besag et al (1991)).…”