Keywo1·ds: Fine pitch, Pd coated Ag wire bond, high temperature storage test, inten.netallic compotmd.
Abstl'11ctTI1e high price of Au has motivated many to look for alternative bonding wire materials in the field of microelectronics packaging. In the present study, the reliability performance of palladium coated silver (PCS) wire in high temperature storage test (HTST) is carried out using 18 ~till diameter fine pitch PCS wire. Fine pitch ball bonds are made on Al metallization, with bonded ball diameter (BBD) of 32 ± 0.5 ~tm and ball height (BH) of 8 ± 0.5 µm . The aging temperature used in HTST is 170 °C and both shear and pull test are used to evaluate the aged ball bonds at regular time intervals. The shear force increases from 9.9 gf at 96 h to 12.5 gf at 192 h, and remains almost constant until 1344 h, and starts dropping gradually until 10.9 gf at 1848 h. The pad lift percentage recorded in pull test gradually drops from 90 % at 96 h to 20 % at 1008 h, and increases to 90 % at 1848 h. The chip side fractography after shear test indicates that the main failure modes are through pad at 96 h, tltrough ball bond at 504 h, and half of both at 168 h, respectively. Cross-sectional images show that the thickness of the intermetallic compound (IMC) layer growth follows parabolic relationship and the rate constant is 0.1 O ± 0.02 µm/h 112 . Gaps are observed along the periphery of the ball bond interface where no IMC is observed. The IM Cs are located at the center of the ball bond interface, and the width is 16.0-19 .3 µm at 96 h and 17 .2-22. 7 ~tm at 1344 h, respectively. Keywo1·d s: Fine pitch, Pd coated Ag wire bond, high temperature storage test. intennetallic compound.
Inh·oductiooWire bonding is the most widely used in chip-scale interconnection technology in microelectronics packaging. Au ball-wedge bond is the most widely used in wire bonding industry due to its high bondability and acceptable reliability. However in some cases, alternative wires are preferred due to the high cost of Au.Cu wire costs less than Au, but readily oxidizes in air and requires shielding gas in free air ball (FAB) formation. Moreover, the high hardness of Cu FAB causes more Al pad splashing and higher chance of cratering.With its lower cost than Au as well as its higher resistance to oxidation and lower hardness than Cu, the poor reliability of Ag with Al metallization can prevent Ag from being a suitable alternative to Au. Recent studies hav e found that alloying Ag with Pd and/or Au can result in improved ball bond reliability on Al metallization. The presence of Pd at the bond interface proves to shown that wire annealing at 275 °C prior to bonding helps reduce the IMC growth rate at the ball bond interface of Ag-2Pd on Al pad.Although Ag alloy wire has better reliability than Ag wire, it has substantially lower electrical conductivity than pme Ag, and is more expensive to produc. e. Moreover, the Ag alloy wire FAB can be defective when the ball size is too small. For example, for a 95 % Ag alloy