Introduction Ureteral stents are widely used tools in the daily practice of the urologist due to the fact that they solve the endo-and extraluminal ureteral obstructions, enabling an adequate urine flow. They are the preferred tool because they are easy to insert and versatile, and are used to treat various urologic pathologies; nonetheless, they are not exempt from complications. Objectives To present an update in the use of JJ stents, describing their main associated symptoms and complications, indications and newest developments.
Materials and MethodsWe performed a literature review in the Embase, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases, with the following terms and cross-references: ureteral stent; diagnosis; treatment; and urology, restricting the search to the past 7 years. A total of 428 articles were found, and 49 were used in the revision. Results We described the symptoms and complications associated with the use of JJ stents and their prevention, their use in the treatment of lithiasis and oncologic diseases, the utility of metallic stents, and new designs and improvements in their development.Conclusions JJ stents remain a very useful tool in the daily practice of the urologist, but are not exempt from having adverse effects and complications. There have been advances that decrease the adverse effects associated with their use, mainly infection, symptoms associated to the insertion, and risk of incrustation.
ResumenIntroducción Los catéteres ureterales son una herramienta ampliamente usada en la práctica diaria del urólogo, dado a que alivian la obstrucción endo y extraluminal ureteral, permitiendo así el adecuado flujo de orina. Se prefieren por encima de otros métodos por su facilidad de inserción y su versatilidad de uso dentro de las distintas patologías urológicas; sin embargo, no están exentos de complicaciones. Objetivos Presentar una actualización en el uso de catéteres JJ que incluya información acerca de los síntomas y complicaciones, sus indicaciones de uso y novedades. Materiales y Métodos Realizamos una revisión narrativa de la literatura en las bases de datos Embase, Pubmed y Google Scholar, con los siguientes términos y sus