We use Madan-Yor's argument to construct associated submartingales to a class of two-parameter processes that are ordered by the increasing convex dominance. This class includes processes whose integrated survival functions are multivariate totally positive of order 2 (MTP2). We prove that the integrated survival function of an integrable two-parameter process is MTP2 if and only if it is totally positive of order 2 (TP2) in each pair of arguments when the remaining argument is fixed. This result can not be deduced from known results since there are several two-parameter processes whose integrated survival functions do not have interval support. Since the MTP2 property is closed under several transformations, it allows to exhibit many other processes having the same total positivity property.keywords: Cox-Hobson algorithm, Incomplete Markov processes, MRL ordering, Twoparameter submartingales, Total positivity. subclass MSC: 60E15, 60G44, 60J25, 32F17. l i=1 K i , where I i , J i and K i are totally ordered sets. Let f be MTP 2 on I × J and g be MTP 2 on J × K. Define h(x, z) = J f (x, y)g(y, z)̺(dy),where ̺ = ̺ 1 × · · · × ̺ m and ̺ i is a σ-finite positive measure on J i . Then h is MTP 2 on I × K.