Hydrology is one of the criteria for monitoring and evaluation (monev) of watersheds management as stated in the Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.61/Menhut-II/2014. So far, the use of various hydrological parameters for the monev of watersheds has not been evaluated whether these parameters truly reflect the condition of the watershed. This study aimed (1) to evaluate the effect of rainfall on the hydrological criteria of each sub-watershed, which include: flow regime coefficient, annual flow coefficient, sediment load, and water use index and (2) to evaluate the effect of rainfall on watershed carrying capacity. Regression analysis was used to see the relationship between annual rainfall and hydrological parameters used in watershed sustainability. This analysis was crucial to see the development of forest and land rehabilitation efforts in restoring degraded land. Data collection was carried out from 2008 to 2016 in each of the sub-watersheds of the Citanduy Watershed, namely Cijolang, Cikawung, Cimuntur, Ciseel, and Upper Citanduy. From this research, it is known that flow regime coefficient, annual flow coefficient, sediment load, water use index, and flood frequency are strongly influenced by rainfall so the result in evaluating watershed carrying capacity may vary depending on the rainfall. Besides being influenced by rainfall, flow regime coefficient, annual flow coefficient, and sediment load are also affected by land cover, while the slope affects the sediment load.