A series of OV1-OV1701 column sets, in which the two dimensions differ in id and/or film thickness, were adopted to separate components of the volatile and semivolatile fraction of samples of plant origin. In particular two applications are presented: a target analysis approach to determine volatile suspected allergens in a medium-complexity fragrance and in sandalwood essential oil, and a fingerprint analysis approach to compare herbal extracts. Some basic chromatographic parameters of these combinations, i. e. net separation measure (S(GC x GC)), degree of orthogonality and a suitable number of modulations per peak, were also estimated by analysing two test mixtures: FAME (C4:0-C24:0) and suspected volatile allergens. Experimental results show that 0.25 mm homologous id column combination, despite their lower separation power, have good capacity to separate and resolve medium-to-complex fractions from samples of plant origin, demonstrating: (i) good system orthogonality, maximized through proper exploitation of stationary-phase selectivity and (ii) reduced 2-D column overloading effects due to the increased 2-D mass loadability, thus facilitating the analysis of mixtures whose components differ significantly in relative abundance.