The data are stored on the memory of the classical computer in small units of classical bits, which could be either 0 or 1. However, on a Quantum Computer, The Quantum States of each Quantum Bit (Qbit), would be every possible number between 0 and 1, including themselves. By placing the photons on a special state, which is a spot located at the middle of the two-dimensional space vectors ( ) and ( ) on the Unit Circle, which is called Superposition and we can take advantage of properties of this state when we place lots of vectors of N-dimensional spaces in superposition and we can do a parallelization and factorization for getting significant speedup. In fact, in Quantum Computing we are taking advantage of Quantum Dynamic Principles to process the data, which Classical Computers lack on, by considering the limitations of logical concepts behind them. Through this paper, we expand a quantum algorithm for the number of n Qbits in a new way and by implementing circuits using IBM-Q Experience, we are going to have some practical results, which are more obvious to be demonstrable. By expanding the Quantum Algorithms and using Linear Algebra, we can manage to achieve the goals at a higher level, the ones that Classical Computers are unable to perform, as machine learning problems with complicated models and by expanding the subject we can mention majors in different sciences like Chemistry (predicting the Structure of proteins with higher percentage accuracy in less period), Astronomy and so on.