. Here, we examined the role of the Env protein in virus-induced mammary tumorigenesis in vivo. Similar to the effect seen in vitro, Env expression in the mammary glands of transgenic mice bearing either full-length wild-type provirus or only Env transgenes showed increased lobuloalveolar budding. Introduction of the ITAM mutation into the env of an infectious, replication-competent MMTV or into MMTV/murine leukemia virus pseudotypes had no effect on incorporation of Env into virus particles or on in vitro infectivity. Moreover, replicationcompetent MMTV bearing the ITAM mutation in Env infected lymphoid and mammary tissue at the same level as wild-type MMTV and was transmitted through milk. However, mammary tumor induction was greatly attenuated, and the pattern of oncogene activation was altered. Taken together, these studies indicate that the MMTV Env protein participates in mammary epithelial cell transformation in vivo and that this requires a functional ITAM in the envelope protein.The nonacute transforming betaretrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), which induces mammary carcinomas in mice, has long been used as an in vivo model for the study of virus-induced cancer. The major route of MMTV infection in vivo is through milk, and mice can be freed of virus by foster nursing on uninfected mothers (42). MMTV-induced transformation is mediated by proviral integration near cellular oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells, and a number of different integration sites (int genes) have been implicated in this process, including the wnt1 and fgf3 oncogenes (3). Surprisingly, although integration near protooncogenes is critical to transformation, the latency and incidence of tumor induction after MMTV infection is similar to that of transgenic mice bearing wnt1, fgf3, or other oncogenes under the control of the MMTV long terminal repeat (LTR) (8,(38)(39)(40)57). Moreover, like virus-infected mice, the transgenic mice develop only one to two clonal mammary tumors. Given that most, if not all, of the mammary cells of transgenic mice express the oncogene while oncogene activation in MMTV-infected mice occurs by stochastic integration of the provirus, this similarity in pathogenesis between the two models suggests that the virus itself contributes to tumorigenesis.Indeed, recent evidence suggests that the MMTV envelope (Env) protein participates in mammary epithelial cell transformation. Like other retroviruses, the MMTV Env consists of two subunits generated by proteolytic processing of a polyprotein precursor to cell surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) domains (59); both subunits are required for virus entry via the entry receptor, transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) (50). However, the Env protein appears to have additional roles. Env expression in the absence of other viral proteins in immortalized normal mammary epithelial cells caused them to bear multiple hallmarks of cell transformation, including a depolarized acinar morphology and markers typical of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (26). This activity depended...