Integrating 2D culture of adherent mammalian cells with single-cell western blotting (in situ scWB) uses microfluidic design to eliminate the requirement for trypsin release of cells to suspension, prior to single-cell isolation and protein analysis.T oa ssayH eLa cells from an attached starting state, we culture adherent cells in fibronectin-functionalized microwells formed in athin layer of polyacrylamide gel. To integrate the culture,lysis,and assayworkflow,weintroduce aone-step copolymerization process that creates protein-decorated microwells.A fter single-cell culture,w el yse each cell in the microwell and perform western blotting on each resultant lysate.W eo bserve cell spreading after overnight microwellbased culture.s cWB reports increased phosphorylation of MAP kinases (ERK1/2, p38) under hypertonic conditions.W e validate the in situ scWB with slab-gel western blot, while revealing cell-to-cell heterogeneity in stress responses.Supportinginformation, includingt he reagents, device fabrication, cell culture, cell viability and spreading assessment, osmotic stress protocols, in situ scWB procedures,a nd imaging and data analysis, and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.