. (2008). Recent developments in automatic solid-phase extraction with renewable surfaces exploiting flow-based approaches. TRAC -Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 27(9), 749-761. DOI: 10.1016749-761. DOI: 10. /j.trac.2008 TrAC MS:08-00052-REVISED Abstract: Solid-phase extraction (SPE) has been consolidated as the most versatile sample processing method for removal of interfering species and/or analyte enrichment. Although significant advances have been conducted over the past two decades for automation of the entire analytical protocol involving SPE via flow injection approaches, on-line SPE assays performed in a permanent mode lack sufficient reliability as a consequence of the progressive tighter packing of the bead reactor, contamination of the solid surfaces and potential leakage of functional moieties. This article overviews the current state-of-the-art of an appealing tool for overcoming the above shortcomings, the so-called bead injection (BI) analysis, based on automated renewal of the sorbent material per assay exploiting the various generations of flow injection analysis. It addresses novel instrumental developments for implementation of BI and a number of alternatives for on-line chemical derivatization reactions and pinpoints the most common instrumental detection techniques utilised. Relevant environmental and bioanalytical applications reported within the past few years are presented and discussed in detail.