In this time, the load balancing issues are related to both Due to the dynamic nature of the Grid computing and selecting resources to process and load scheduling. This P2P in networks, the behavior of system might be very balancing can be done at the beginning or dynamically as unpredictable in respect of reliability. Thus, we need the computation progresses. well-organized system architecture to provide high In this paper, we propose the way to make cost system availability with resource scheduling scheme for optimal policy decision point by using Markov Decision P2P Grid application. In this paper, we propose the SLAProcess and Service Level Agreement(SLA) on the P2P constrained resource scheduling policy methodology in Grid computing system. Furthermore, we will prove the order to enhance system performance in P2P Grid. The effectiveness of load balancing and improvement of simulation results show that SCPA-based job scheduling availability with our algorithm based on policy can support the load balancing and guarantee the high administrator in group peers within the given analytical system availability.model for reflecting of advantages through combining P2P and Grid.