UKGM is a dental health service activity carried out by the community through guidance from the health center. The obstacle to the implementation of UKGM is that the recording and reporting applied so far at the Community Health Centers is still manual. In the Bulukumba Regency area, recording and reporting of UKGM activities is still carried out manually, reports on UKGM activities are combined with other health reports, and there is no data on ongoing actions from the results of examinations on UKGM activities. Efforts are needed to improve the quality of recording and reporting of UKGM at Community Health Centers based on information systems. Objective: To prove that the E- UKGM model is effective as an effort to improve the quality of UKGM recording and reporting atCommunity Health Centers. Methods: Research and Development with Pre-experiment one Group Pretest-Posttest Design research design. The research sample was TGM working at the health center totaling 20 people who were given the E- UKGM model . Data collection techniques are interviews and questionnaires. Data were processed with non- parametric tests. Results: The expert validation test of the E-UKGM model obtained an average of 82% with a very feasible category and r> 0.726. The recording and reporting mechanism, and the quality of data and information improved after being given the E-UKGM model compared to the previous p-value of 0.000 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The application of the E-UKGM model is effective in improving the quality of recording and reporting UKGM at the Community Health Centers.