Higher order thinking ability (HOTS) is one of the skills that must be improved by students. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of the App Inventor learning media, the implementation of learning activities, and the improvement of students' HOTS. The method used is research and development with 4D model stages (define, design, development, and dissemination). The results showed that the App Inventor learning media was very feasible to be used as a learning medium with an average of 95% small-scale test and validation results, the implementation of learning activities was in the very good category with an average percentage of teacher activity of 94.6% and 92.8% of students, the results of hypothesis testing using the paired sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05 obtained a tcount of 44.117 and a t-table of 2.0345 so it can be concluded that there is an increase in the HOTS of students after learning by using the learning media App Inventor. The increase in higher order thinking skills of students is in the high category with an N-gain value of 0.75.App Inventor • HOTS • Learning Media • Traveling Rapi Priatna