The goal of this research was to examine how educational quality assurance management is being incorporated into classroom practice in Karawang, West Java. Since both traditional classroom instruction and online education have their benefits and drawbacks, hybrid approaches to education have evolved. For instance, classroom learning is restricted to set hours and locations, and students can only learn about topics that are covered in the curriculum. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach since it is qualitative in nature. Teachers from several Karawang high schools participated in this research. Research methods that rely on collecting data from people include interviews, document analyses, and participant observation. Data is verified through the use of triangulation. Miles and Huberman performed data analytic tasks such as data reduction, data display, and data verification. Research into the use of quality assurance management in the classroom reveals that all parties involved benefit from having their efforts to enhance education aligned with the National Education Standards. Internal stakeholders are the key contributors, according to a review of the variables that have contributed to the efficient implementation of quality assurance.