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University Microfilms InternationalRelaxin on induction of parturition in cattle: Effects on hormonal, pelvic and cervical changes, and postpartum fertility Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
1986Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.ii
GENERAL INTRODUCTION IntroductionRelaxin is a polypeptide hormone produced primarily during pregnancy in several mammalian species. Hisaw (1926) receives credit for first discovering relaxin while working on the phenomenon of interpublc liga ment separation in rodents. Relaxin was overshadowed by progesterone, also produced by the corpora lutea, and remained obscure until the advent of protein purification and recombinant DNA technology during the last half decade. The amino acid sequences of relaxin from pig, rat, tiger shark, dogfish shark, and human have since been established. The hormone consists of two peptide chains (A and B) joined by disulfide bonds with an intrachaln disulfide bond in the A chain similar to insulin.Although r...