Squatting movements are used frequently in the activities of daily living and squatting exercises are used to strengthen abdominal core and lower limb muscles. However, many individuals cannot perform a traditional squat. An alternative is to hire a physical trainer or coach for supervision which can be prohibitively expensive. The DB Method ® machine is unique and affordable. A product satisfaction descriptive survey to owners of The DB Method machine describes increased gluteal, core, pelvic floor and lower body strength, an improvement in gluteal region shape, and an increase in activity and energy level. A surprising result of the survey was that this DB Method also seemed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and, in some cases, to lessen urinary incontinence. In this article, the results of this survey are described as the kinetics of this machine relative to the lower limbs and the pelvic floor muscles. A comparison between traditional squats and The DB Method and the benefits of using The DB Method are discussed.