Nowadays, the conditions of economics require housewives to be more creative in fi nding additional income to support their families. One alternative is to establish SMEs. SME owners need to make regular fi nancial reports and fulfi ll their tax obligations. To help them, this activity was held at the Gereja Paroki Kamuning Bandung, with participants from the Wanita Katolik Republik Indonesia (WKRI) Paroki Kamuning Bandung. Many of the participants have not made fi nancial reports or fulfi lled their obligations as taxpayers. They do not have suffi cient information and knowledge about it. The objective of this activity is to provide better understanding and assistance in preparing fi nancial reports and calculating the tax payable based on Government Regulation or PP No. 23 of 2018. These activities consist of fi rst, understanding the condition of the business and understanding of fi nancial statements and tax obligations. Second, we compile a guidebook that consists of steps in making fi nancial reports and calculating payable taxes, conducting training and assistance in preparing fi nancial reports and calculating taxes. The result of this activity is an increase in the participants' understanding of the preparation of fi nancial reports, how to calculate taxes owed, and the reasons why MSME owners must carry out their tax obligations.