Purpose: This study aims to outline how the application of the model through Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning to anecdotal text teaching materials in order to be able to create interactive media in high school.Methodology: This type of research is included in qualitative researchdevelopment of reconstruction studies to test how effective a product is and produce a particular product. The design of this study in the form of videos and photos of students when discussing can be used as a primary data source. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires, teacher interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses interactive data analysis techniques where the components in it include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
Results:The results of this study show that the application of the POGIL learning model can be done in four ways, namely: introduction, providing examples, forming designs, and implementation. The response of students in the application of the POGIL learning model was that 76% of students felt very pleasant and 24% of students felt quite pleasant.Applications/Originality/Value: The POGIL learning model is one of the learning models to help students to become more active, think critically and analytically to be able to find answers to a problem in question.