In line with the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in all corners of the world, various learning ideas that can be done during the pandemic have emerged. The natural learning process is changed to Learn From Home, Online learning, Distance Learning, Hybrid Learning, and others. Submission of material even to the collection of assignments is also made online. Many teachers end up choosing methods that are considered easy and mastered. Some teachers use Google Drive, email, YouTube, WhatsApp, and others. However, teachers still find it challenging to organize the files because each platform has limitations. Departing from the teacher's need to manage learning assessments, researchers are interested in developing an application that can manage online and integrated learning assessment data. The application is named MAS AL which is an acronym for Alternative Assessment Management. This study aims to 1) describe how the process of developing the "MAS AL" application and 2) describe the feasibility of the MAS AL application. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The ADDIE stage consists of 5 stages: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The validation test result obtained a percentage of 89.2% for the first validator and 90.3% for the second validator. At the implementation stage, MAS AL trial was carried out by elementary school teachers in East Java who obtained a questionnaire percentage of 97.5%. So, the conclusion obtained is that MAS AL as a solution to integrated distance assessment management is appropriate.