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Previous studies mostly measured sharia financial inclusion using an index consisting of three dimensions: accessibility, availability, and usage. This research develops it by adding a digitalization dimension so that there are 4 dimensions in measuring sharia financial inclusion in Indonesia using an index. The first objective of this study is to visually illustrate the results of calculating the sharia financial inclusion index (in map form) in 33 provinces in Indonesia, using GeoDa software. Second, analyze the impact of sharia financial inclusion variables (the 4 form dimensions) that are calculated, on economic fundamental variables (growth, unemployment, poverty, and inequality) through a quantitative approach based on panel data analysis methods (FEM and REM). The secondary data used comes from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in the 2015-2020 period. The results of this study indicate that sharia financial inclusion in Indonesia needs to be increased more evenly, so that it is not stagnant and centered in Java or provinces with a communal Muslim base (viewed from the results of index calculations) because the values are unequal between provinces. Meanwhile, the results of panel data analysis techniques show that variables reflecting the 4 dimensions of sharia financial inclusion have an impact on fundamental economic variables. Keywords: Sharia Financial Inclusion, Index, GeoDa, Panel data ABSTRAK Kajian sebelumnya banyak mengukur inklusi keuangan syariah dengan menggunakan indeks yang terdiri dari tiga dimensi: aksessibilitas, availabilitas, dan penggunaan. Penelitian ini mengembangkannya dengan menambah dimensi digitalisasi, sehingga terdapat 4 dimensi dalam mengukur inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia menggunakan indeks. Tujuan pertama penelitian ini menggambarkan visual hasil perhitungan indeks inklusi keuangan syariah (dalam bentuk peta) di 33 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, dengan software GeoDa. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh variabel inklusi keuangan syariah (4 dimensi pembentuknya) yang dihitung, terhadap variabel fundamental ekonomi (pertumbuhan, tingkat pengangguran, kemiskinan, dan ketimpangan) melalui pendekatan kuantitatif berbasis metode analisis data panel (FEM dan REM). Data yang digunakan bersumber dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS), dalam periode 2015-2020. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa bahwa inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia perlu ditingkatkan lebih merata, agar tidak stagnan terpusat di Java atau provinsi dengan basis muslim komunal, jika dilihat dari hasil perhitungan indeks yang nilainya timpang antar porvinsi. Sementara itu, hasil teknik analisis data panel menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang mencerminkan 4 dimensi inklusi keuangan syariah berdampak bagi variabel fundamental ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Inklusi Keuangan Sharia, Indeks, Geoda, Data Panel. REFERENCES Allen, J., Cars, G., & Madanipour, A. (2012). Social exclusion in European cities: processes, experiences and responses. London: Routledge. Alshyab, N., Sandri, S., & Daradkah, D. (2021). The effect of financial inclusion on unemployment reduction-evidence from non-oil producing Arab countries. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 22(2-3), 100-116. Amakor, I. C., & Eneh, O. (2021). Financial inclusion and unemployment rate in Nigeria. International Journal of Research (IJR), 8(11), 1-14. Ananzeh, I. E. N. (2016). Relationship between bank credit and economic growth: Evidence in Jordan. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(2), 53-63. doi:10.5430/ijfr.v7n2p53 Anwar, K., & Amri, A. (2017). Pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap PDB Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2(3), 454-462. Arsyad, L. (2014). Konsep dan pengukuran pembangunan ekonomi. Modul Lincolin Arsyad, 1-46. Bansal, S. (2014). Perspective of technology in achieving financial inclusion in rural India. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 472-480. Demirgüç-Kunt, A., Beck, T. H. L., & Honohan, P. (2008). Finance for all? Policies and pitfalls in expanding access (No. aec73d3a-d6eb-457f-9182-3946fd15f0bc). Tilburg: Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management. Dienillah, A. A., & Anggraeni, L. (2016). Dampak inklusi keuangan terhadap stabilitas sistem keuangan di Asia. BMEB: Bulletin of Monetery Economics and Banking, 18(4), 409-430. doi:10.21098/bemp.v18i4.574 Fauzan, I. F. (2020). Determinan inklusi keuangan di Indonesia dengan pendekatan panel spasial. Disertasi. Program Doktoral IPB University. Bogor. Fosu, S. B., & Hampshire, N. (2013). Financial development and economic growth in Africa: A dynamic causal relationship. Thesis. The Degree of Master of Arts in Economics University of New Hampshire. Durham. Gupta, A., Chotia, V., & Rao, N. M. (2014). Financial inclusion and human development: A state-wise analysis from India. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2(5), 1-23. Gurley, J. G., dan Shaw E. S. (1955). Financial aspects of economic development. The American Economic Review, 45(4), 515–538. Honohan, P. (2004). Financial development, growth and poverty: How close are the links? In E. C. Goodhard, ed., Financial development and economic growth: Explaining the links. London: Palgrave. Honohan, P. (2008). Cross-country variation in household access to financial services. Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(11), 2493-2500. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2008.05.004 Ka’abi, M. S. (2020). Relevansi pemikiran ekonomi muhammad baqir as-sadr dalam keadilan distribusi beras di Indonesia. Skripsi. Program Sarjana Program Studi Ekonomi Syari;ah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jember. Jember. Kim, D. W., Yu, J. S., & Hassan, M. K. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth in OIC countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 43, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2017.07.178 Lakshmi, P., & Visalakshmi, S. (2013). Impact of cooperatives in financial inclusion & comprehensive development. Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(3), 49-53. doi:10.12691/jfe-1-3-4 Leyshon, A., & Thrift, N. (1995). Geographies of financial exclusion: financial abandonment in Britain and the United States. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 20(3), 312-341. Lucas, R. E. (1988). On the mechanics of economic development. Journal Of Monetary Economics, 22(1), 3-42. doi:10.1016/0304-3932(88)90168-7 Luo, J., & Li, B. Z. (2022). Impact of digital financial inclusion on consumption inequality in China. Social Indicators Research, 163(2), 529-553. doi:10.1007/s11205-022-02909-6 Masnita, Y., Triyowati, H., & Khomsiyah, K. (2020). Pemberdayaan lembaga keuangan syariah dalam meningkatkan peran inklusi keuangan. JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, 1(1), 26-37. doi:10.25105/juara.v1i1.5911 McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital in economic development. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. Mehry, E. B., Ashraf, S., & Marwa, E. (2021). The impact of financial inclusion on unemployment rate in developing countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(1), 79-93. doi:10.32479/ijefi.10871 Miller, M. H. (1988). Financial markets and economic growth. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 11(5):8−15. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6622.1998.tb00498.x Mohieldin, M., Iqbal, Z., Rostom, A., & Fu, X. (2011). The role of Islamic finance in enhancing financial inclusion in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. World Bank Group: Policy Research Working Paper. doi:10.1596/1813-9450-5920 Neaime, S. & Gaysset. (2018). Financial inclusion and stability in MENA: Evidence from poverty and inequality. Finance Research Letters, 24,230-237. doi:10.1016/ Nkwede, F. (2015). Financial inclusion and economic growth in Africa: Insight from Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(35), 71-80. Omar, M. A., & Inaba, K. (2020). Does financial inclusion reduce poverty and income inequality in developing countries? A panel data analysis. Journal of economic structures, 9(1), 1-25. doi:10.1186/s40008-020-00214-4 Park, C. Y., & Mercado Jr, R. (2018). Financial inclusion, poverty, and income inequality. The Singapore Economic Review, 63(01), 185-206. doi:10.1142/S0217590818410059 Patrick, H. T. (1966). Financial development and economic growth in underdeveloped countries. Economic development and Cultural change, 14(2), 174-189. Polloni-Silva, E., da Costa, N., Moralles, H. F., & Sacomano Neto, M. (2021). Does financial inclusion diminish poverty and inequality? A panel data analysis for Latin American countries. Social Indicators Research, 158(3), 889-925. Puspitasari, S., Mahri, A. J. W., & Utami, S. A. (2020). Indeks inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia tahun 2015-2018. Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, 4(1), 15-31. doi:10.29313/amwaluna.v4i1.5094 Riswanto, A., Tanjung, H., & Devi, A. (2021). Dampak inklusi keuangan dan bank syariah terhadap kesehatan dan pendidikan nasional. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2(2), 1-26. doi:10.47467/elmal.v2i2.518 Rostow, W. W. (1959). The stages of economic growth. The Economic History Review, 12(1), 1-16. doi:10.2307/2591077 Robinson, J. (1952). The generalization of the general theory. In The Rate of Interest and Other Essays. London: MacMillan. Romer, P. M. (1990). Endogenous technological change. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5):71−102. Romer, P. M. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. Journal of Political, 94(5):1002−1037. Sanjaya, I. M., & Nursechafia, N. (2016). Financial inclusion and inclusive growth: A cross-province analysis in Indonesia. BMEB: Buletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 18(3), 281-306. doi:10.21098/bemp.v18i3.551 Sarma, M. (2012). Index of financial inclusion–a measure of financial sector inclusiveness. Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies Working Paper Javaharlal Nehru University. Delhi, India. Sarma, M., & Pais, J. (2011). Financial inclusion and development. Journal of International Development, 23(5), 613-628. doi:10.1002/jid.1698 Schumpeter, J. (1911). The theory of economic development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Sethi, D., & Acharya, D. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth linkage: Some cross country evidence. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 10(3), 369-385. doi:10.1108/JFEP-11-2016-0073 Simatupang, M., Sinaga, B. M., Hartoyo, S. & Haryanto (2020). Impact of financial inclusion, government expenditures in education and health sectors on human development in Indonesia. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 9(2), 5-17. doi:10.26458/jedep.v9i2.643 Singh, K., & Kondan, A. S. (2011). Financial inclusion, development and its determinants: An empirical evidence of indian states. The Asian Economic Review: Journal of the Indian Institute of Economics, 53(1), 115-134. Siswa, I., & Agustin, G. (2020). Analisis pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap indeks pembangunan manusia di Indonesia tahun 2015. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 17(2), 121-130. doi:10.31849/jieb.v17i2.4091 Umar, A. I. (2017). Index of syariah financial inclusion in Indonesia. BMEB: Buletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 20(1), 99-126. doi:10.21098/bemp.v20i1.726
Previous studies mostly measured sharia financial inclusion using an index consisting of three dimensions: accessibility, availability, and usage. This research develops it by adding a digitalization dimension so that there are 4 dimensions in measuring sharia financial inclusion in Indonesia using an index. The first objective of this study is to visually illustrate the results of calculating the sharia financial inclusion index (in map form) in 33 provinces in Indonesia, using GeoDa software. Second, analyze the impact of sharia financial inclusion variables (the 4 form dimensions) that are calculated, on economic fundamental variables (growth, unemployment, poverty, and inequality) through a quantitative approach based on panel data analysis methods (FEM and REM). The secondary data used comes from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in the 2015-2020 period. The results of this study indicate that sharia financial inclusion in Indonesia needs to be increased more evenly, so that it is not stagnant and centered in Java or provinces with a communal Muslim base (viewed from the results of index calculations) because the values are unequal between provinces. Meanwhile, the results of panel data analysis techniques show that variables reflecting the 4 dimensions of sharia financial inclusion have an impact on fundamental economic variables. Keywords: Sharia Financial Inclusion, Index, GeoDa, Panel data ABSTRAK Kajian sebelumnya banyak mengukur inklusi keuangan syariah dengan menggunakan indeks yang terdiri dari tiga dimensi: aksessibilitas, availabilitas, dan penggunaan. Penelitian ini mengembangkannya dengan menambah dimensi digitalisasi, sehingga terdapat 4 dimensi dalam mengukur inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia menggunakan indeks. Tujuan pertama penelitian ini menggambarkan visual hasil perhitungan indeks inklusi keuangan syariah (dalam bentuk peta) di 33 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, dengan software GeoDa. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh variabel inklusi keuangan syariah (4 dimensi pembentuknya) yang dihitung, terhadap variabel fundamental ekonomi (pertumbuhan, tingkat pengangguran, kemiskinan, dan ketimpangan) melalui pendekatan kuantitatif berbasis metode analisis data panel (FEM dan REM). Data yang digunakan bersumber dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS), dalam periode 2015-2020. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa bahwa inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia perlu ditingkatkan lebih merata, agar tidak stagnan terpusat di Java atau provinsi dengan basis muslim komunal, jika dilihat dari hasil perhitungan indeks yang nilainya timpang antar porvinsi. Sementara itu, hasil teknik analisis data panel menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang mencerminkan 4 dimensi inklusi keuangan syariah berdampak bagi variabel fundamental ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Inklusi Keuangan Sharia, Indeks, Geoda, Data Panel. REFERENCES Allen, J., Cars, G., & Madanipour, A. (2012). Social exclusion in European cities: processes, experiences and responses. London: Routledge. Alshyab, N., Sandri, S., & Daradkah, D. (2021). The effect of financial inclusion on unemployment reduction-evidence from non-oil producing Arab countries. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 22(2-3), 100-116. Amakor, I. C., & Eneh, O. (2021). Financial inclusion and unemployment rate in Nigeria. International Journal of Research (IJR), 8(11), 1-14. Ananzeh, I. E. N. (2016). Relationship between bank credit and economic growth: Evidence in Jordan. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(2), 53-63. doi:10.5430/ijfr.v7n2p53 Anwar, K., & Amri, A. (2017). Pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap PDB Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2(3), 454-462. Arsyad, L. (2014). Konsep dan pengukuran pembangunan ekonomi. Modul Lincolin Arsyad, 1-46. Bansal, S. (2014). Perspective of technology in achieving financial inclusion in rural India. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 472-480. Demirgüç-Kunt, A., Beck, T. H. L., & Honohan, P. (2008). Finance for all? Policies and pitfalls in expanding access (No. aec73d3a-d6eb-457f-9182-3946fd15f0bc). Tilburg: Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management. Dienillah, A. A., & Anggraeni, L. (2016). Dampak inklusi keuangan terhadap stabilitas sistem keuangan di Asia. BMEB: Bulletin of Monetery Economics and Banking, 18(4), 409-430. doi:10.21098/bemp.v18i4.574 Fauzan, I. F. (2020). Determinan inklusi keuangan di Indonesia dengan pendekatan panel spasial. Disertasi. Program Doktoral IPB University. Bogor. Fosu, S. B., & Hampshire, N. (2013). Financial development and economic growth in Africa: A dynamic causal relationship. Thesis. The Degree of Master of Arts in Economics University of New Hampshire. Durham. Gupta, A., Chotia, V., & Rao, N. M. (2014). Financial inclusion and human development: A state-wise analysis from India. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2(5), 1-23. Gurley, J. G., dan Shaw E. S. (1955). Financial aspects of economic development. The American Economic Review, 45(4), 515–538. Honohan, P. (2004). Financial development, growth and poverty: How close are the links? In E. C. Goodhard, ed., Financial development and economic growth: Explaining the links. London: Palgrave. Honohan, P. (2008). Cross-country variation in household access to financial services. Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(11), 2493-2500. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2008.05.004 Ka’abi, M. S. (2020). Relevansi pemikiran ekonomi muhammad baqir as-sadr dalam keadilan distribusi beras di Indonesia. Skripsi. Program Sarjana Program Studi Ekonomi Syari;ah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jember. Jember. Kim, D. W., Yu, J. S., & Hassan, M. K. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth in OIC countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 43, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2017.07.178 Lakshmi, P., & Visalakshmi, S. (2013). Impact of cooperatives in financial inclusion & comprehensive development. Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(3), 49-53. doi:10.12691/jfe-1-3-4 Leyshon, A., & Thrift, N. (1995). Geographies of financial exclusion: financial abandonment in Britain and the United States. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 20(3), 312-341. Lucas, R. E. (1988). On the mechanics of economic development. Journal Of Monetary Economics, 22(1), 3-42. doi:10.1016/0304-3932(88)90168-7 Luo, J., & Li, B. Z. (2022). Impact of digital financial inclusion on consumption inequality in China. Social Indicators Research, 163(2), 529-553. doi:10.1007/s11205-022-02909-6 Masnita, Y., Triyowati, H., & Khomsiyah, K. (2020). Pemberdayaan lembaga keuangan syariah dalam meningkatkan peran inklusi keuangan. JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, 1(1), 26-37. doi:10.25105/juara.v1i1.5911 McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital in economic development. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. Mehry, E. B., Ashraf, S., & Marwa, E. (2021). The impact of financial inclusion on unemployment rate in developing countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(1), 79-93. doi:10.32479/ijefi.10871 Miller, M. H. (1988). Financial markets and economic growth. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 11(5):8−15. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6622.1998.tb00498.x Mohieldin, M., Iqbal, Z., Rostom, A., & Fu, X. (2011). The role of Islamic finance in enhancing financial inclusion in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. World Bank Group: Policy Research Working Paper. doi:10.1596/1813-9450-5920 Neaime, S. & Gaysset. (2018). Financial inclusion and stability in MENA: Evidence from poverty and inequality. Finance Research Letters, 24,230-237. doi:10.1016/ Nkwede, F. (2015). Financial inclusion and economic growth in Africa: Insight from Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(35), 71-80. Omar, M. A., & Inaba, K. (2020). Does financial inclusion reduce poverty and income inequality in developing countries? A panel data analysis. Journal of economic structures, 9(1), 1-25. doi:10.1186/s40008-020-00214-4 Park, C. Y., & Mercado Jr, R. (2018). Financial inclusion, poverty, and income inequality. The Singapore Economic Review, 63(01), 185-206. doi:10.1142/S0217590818410059 Patrick, H. T. (1966). Financial development and economic growth in underdeveloped countries. Economic development and Cultural change, 14(2), 174-189. Polloni-Silva, E., da Costa, N., Moralles, H. F., & Sacomano Neto, M. (2021). Does financial inclusion diminish poverty and inequality? A panel data analysis for Latin American countries. Social Indicators Research, 158(3), 889-925. Puspitasari, S., Mahri, A. J. W., & Utami, S. A. (2020). Indeks inklusi keuangan syariah di Indonesia tahun 2015-2018. Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, 4(1), 15-31. doi:10.29313/amwaluna.v4i1.5094 Riswanto, A., Tanjung, H., & Devi, A. (2021). Dampak inklusi keuangan dan bank syariah terhadap kesehatan dan pendidikan nasional. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2(2), 1-26. doi:10.47467/elmal.v2i2.518 Rostow, W. W. (1959). The stages of economic growth. The Economic History Review, 12(1), 1-16. doi:10.2307/2591077 Robinson, J. (1952). The generalization of the general theory. In The Rate of Interest and Other Essays. London: MacMillan. Romer, P. M. (1990). Endogenous technological change. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5):71−102. Romer, P. M. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. Journal of Political, 94(5):1002−1037. Sanjaya, I. M., & Nursechafia, N. (2016). Financial inclusion and inclusive growth: A cross-province analysis in Indonesia. BMEB: Buletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 18(3), 281-306. doi:10.21098/bemp.v18i3.551 Sarma, M. (2012). Index of financial inclusion–a measure of financial sector inclusiveness. Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies Working Paper Javaharlal Nehru University. Delhi, India. Sarma, M., & Pais, J. (2011). Financial inclusion and development. Journal of International Development, 23(5), 613-628. doi:10.1002/jid.1698 Schumpeter, J. (1911). The theory of economic development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Sethi, D., & Acharya, D. (2018). Financial inclusion and economic growth linkage: Some cross country evidence. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 10(3), 369-385. doi:10.1108/JFEP-11-2016-0073 Simatupang, M., Sinaga, B. M., Hartoyo, S. & Haryanto (2020). Impact of financial inclusion, government expenditures in education and health sectors on human development in Indonesia. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 9(2), 5-17. doi:10.26458/jedep.v9i2.643 Singh, K., & Kondan, A. S. (2011). Financial inclusion, development and its determinants: An empirical evidence of indian states. The Asian Economic Review: Journal of the Indian Institute of Economics, 53(1), 115-134. Siswa, I., & Agustin, G. (2020). Analisis pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap indeks pembangunan manusia di Indonesia tahun 2015. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 17(2), 121-130. doi:10.31849/jieb.v17i2.4091 Umar, A. I. (2017). Index of syariah financial inclusion in Indonesia. BMEB: Buletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 20(1), 99-126. doi:10.21098/bemp.v20i1.726
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan restrukturisasi dalam menangani pembiayaan mudharabah bermasalah pada PT. BPRS Al-Washliyah Medan. penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini adalah langkah-langkah penyelesaian restrukturisasi dalam penyelesian pembiayaan mudharabah bermasalah yaitu penjadwalan kembali (rescheduling), persyaratan kembali (reconditioning) dan penataan kembali (restructuring). sedangkan faktor yang menjadi penghambat dalam rangka penyelesaian pembiayaan bermasalah yang dihadapi oleh PT BPRS Al-Washliyah Medan, antara lain; tidak kooperatifnya nasabah dalam menanggapi surat teguran maupun surat panggilan dari bank terkait penyelesaian hutangnya, nasabah tidak mau menyerahkan jaminan secara suka rela kepada bank atau menjualnya sendiri untuk melunasi sisa hutangnya kepada bank danterdapat sebahagian pembiayaan nasabah tidak memiliki jaminan atau memiliki jaminan, namun tidak mencover sisa kewajiban nasabah.
Purpose: This study uses bibliometric analysis of Islamic banking research based on a large amount of scientific data and substantial research results in the Scopus database. It is an added value and contribution to developing research in Islamic banking. This study aims to identify and analyze the pattern of scientific publications, the influence between publications, and the collaboration between authors and institutions in Islamic banking research.Design/Methodology/Approach: This study used bibliometric analysis methods using biblioshiny and vosviewer. Data collection is done by searching the database on Scopus using the keyword "Islamic banking." The search was conducted on March 29, 2023, and was limited to publications published within the last decade (2013-2022). The data collected was 2,410 articles, but after selection, the articles analyzed were 1,477. To ensure the validity of the data, researchers collect data directly sourced from databases, and the data used has also undergone a selection process using predetermined criteria.Findings: Research on Islamic banking tends to explore topics such as Islamic banking products and services; Sustainability; Financial System, Market, and Services; Islamic banking regulation, risk, Governance, and customers; Maqasid al-Sharia; Supervision of Islamic banking; and comparison of Islamic banking with conventional banking. Islamic banking research has become an increasingly popular topic in the past decade. It shows a growing interest in developing and understanding the principles of Islamic banking and their influence on the economy.
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