The government through the Public Works Office launched Pamsimas (Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Supply) program to realize 100% safe access to drinking water. However, this program is still unable to serve the community’s overall water needs. To prevent clean water crises, the community independently formed clean water management groups, one of which is the Tirto Lestari Clean Water Group located in Kaliapak Hamlet, Banjarsari, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo. The main problem that occurs in this group is the lack of water discharge so that the water supply system is not able to serve the needs of users optimally. The solution to this problem is to find potential sources of new groundwater and the construction of intake infrastructure. This research is focused on finding potential new water sources with geoelectric methods. Based on the results of this study, it shows that there is groundwater potential that can be used to meet clean water needs. The conclusion is that there is groundwater potential that can be used as a new source for the Pamsimas of Tirto Lestari group.