The objectives of this study are to describe and analyze the development of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE's) of sintrong leaf chips as well as the obstacles of the development of sintrong leaf chips in Kuta Agung Village, Dayeuhluhur Sub-District, Cilacap District. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method with data collection technique of purposive sampling by means of interview and desk study. Data analysis was made through phases according to Miles and Huberman, 1984 (Alfiah, Jeni, Anah, 2020). The result of this study is that MSE's of sintrong leaf chips have strong internal potency and it needs support from the external party, namely the relevant government office in Cilacap District. MSE's of sintrong leaf chips has some obstacles, such as limited human resources, limited access to capital, limitation on market access, limited facilities and infrastructure, the introduction of new product and a quite simple packaging.