Eel (Anguilla spp) is a fish from the order Anguilliformes belonging to the catadromous fish, fish that migrate between freshwater and marine waters. The activity of catching eel for daily consumption has been carried out by the people of Kaur Regency, but the data related to the type of eel, catch structure, and the eel fishing area in Kaur Regency is still limited, especially in the Luas River and Kinal River. Data and information on eel fisheries in Kaur Regency are expected to be used as basic information in the utilization of eel commodities. This study aims to analyze the structure of eel catches and determine eel fishing areas in the Luas River and Kinal River. Research using eel fishing was carried out in June - August 2021 in Luas river and Kinal river, Kaur regency, Bengkulu. The results of identification of morphological characteristics and comparison of ano-dorsal values found one species of eel, namely Anguilla marmorata with an ano-dorsal ratio of 14.05-18.23%. The Anguilla marmorata eel was caught at every station in the Luas river and Kinal river. Overall, each station in Luas river and Kinal river gets the same H' value, which is relatively moderate. The eel fishing areas in the Luas river and Kinal river are divided into 3 locations, estuary, mid-river, and upstream. The number of catches with the heaviest weights were found at station 3 in Luas river and Kinal river.