The objectives of this study were (1) to apply diversity-based learning strategies in short story text material at Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta Senior High School; (2) increasing students' understanding of the application of diversitybased learning strategies; and (3) exploring students' responses to the application of diversity-based learning strategies. This is explorative qualitative research. The research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta class XI MIPA 1 in October 2022. The data design was used as the primary data source. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed by linkage analysis techniques or flow. The data validity technique was carried out using triangulation of data collection and triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the application of diversity-based learning strategies was carried out in several stages, which are introduction, providing examples, and implementation. Students can implement the six Pancasila student profile values in learning activities and create a work, such as short story text by paying attention to the Pancasila student profile values in the contents of the story. There were 5 students received a score of 60, 9 students received a score of 80 and 3 students received a score of 100. This shows that students understand the material given. The students' responses to the application of diversity-based learning strategies were 94% or 16 students said the application of diversity-based learning strategies was fun; 6% or 1 student said the application was unpleasant. In addition, there were 82% or 14 students who considered material delivery and making short stories with a diversity-based learning strategy easy to understand and apply, and 18% or 3 students considered material delivery and the making short stories with a diversity-based learning strategy was not easy to understand and applied. Therefore, diversity-based learning strategies can be applied in general to senior high school students.