This study uses a qualitative method using a phenomenological approach and direct observation of the studied sample. This research funds to carry out operational activities (academic and non-academic) are divided into two, namely funds from the APBN (State Expenditure Revenue Budget) and non APBN. Community Funds (DM) are funds generated from non-state budgets, which are often referred to as income from PTN-BH. This study found that two ways can be used as a source of income for FMIPA Unesa, namely 1. Diversification of income or exploring new sources of income, and 2. Develop existing sources of income. Explore opportunities for new sources of income (diversification) covering components of information, teaching, alumni, campus population, land, and facilities. Several tasks can be performed on these components, namely 1.The sale of information includes intellectual property, research parks, and data interpretation for businesses, 2. Teaching includes; a laboratory management training program, training to improve pedagogic competence and mathematics, 3. Alumni resources include continuing education for alumni and professional services for alumni, 4. The provision of services for students and other visitors includes a place to study, 5. Utilization of land, land, or buildings and other campus facilities that have the potential to generate income.