In this article, we consider a jump diffusion process (Xt) t≥0 observed at discrete times t = 0, ∆, . . . , n∆. The sampling interval ∆ tends to 0 and n∆ tends to infinity. We assume that (Xt) t≥0 is ergodic, strictly stationary and exponentially β-mixing. We use a penalized least-square approach to compute two adaptive estimators of the drift function b. We provide bounds for the risks of the two estimators.A 1. The functions b, σ and ξ are Lipschitz.A 2.1. The function σ is bounded from below and above:4. The Lévy measure ν satisfies:Under Assumption A1, the stochastic differential equation (1) admits a unique strong solution. According to Masuda (2007), under Assumptions A1 and A2, the process (X t ) admits a unique invariant probability ̟ and satisfies the ergodic theorem: for any measurable function g such that´|g(This distribution has moments of order 4. Moreover, Masuda (2007) also ensures that under these assumptions, the process (X t ) is exponentially β-mixing. Furthermore, if there exist two constants c and n 0 such that, for any x ∈ R, ξ 2 (x) ≥ c(1 + |x|) −n0 , then Ishikawa and Kunita (2006) ensure that a smooth transition density exists.A 3. 1. The stationary measure ̟ admits a density π which is bounded from below and above on the compact interval A:2. The process (X t ) t≥0 is stationary (η ∼ ̟(dx) = π(x)dx).The first part of this assumption is automatically satisfied if ξ = 0 (that is if (X t ) t≥0 is a diffusion process). The following proposition is very useful for the proofs. It is derived from Result 11.
Proposition 1.Under Assumptions A1-A3, for any p ≥ 1, there exists a constant c(p) such that, if´R z 2p ν(dz) < ∞: