<p><span style="font-size: medium;">ABSTRAK </span></p><p>Keragaman komponen seleksi yang berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan berbunga dan produksi buah kelapa Genjah Salak <br /> belum banyak diketahui. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan metode penyerbukan dalam peningkatan produktivitas <br /> kelapa Genjah Salak dengan menghitung heritabilitas tiga belas karakter vegetatif dan generatif yang berkaitan langsung <br /> atau tidak langsung dengan produksi buah. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Paniki, Manado, Sulawesi Utara, <br /> dari 2011 sampai 2014, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri <br /> atas tiga sistem penyerbukan, yaitu penyerbukan sendiri (full sib), penyerbukan terkendali (half sib) dan penyerbukan <br /> alami (open pollination). Tiga belas karakter yang diukur adalah tinggi batang, lingkar batang, jumlah bekas daun, jumlah <br /> daun, panjang daun, panjang petiole, jumlah anak daun, panjang anak daun, jumlah tandan, jumlah spikelet, jumlah <br /> bunga betina, kecepatan berbunga, dan jumlah buah per tandan. Analisis heritabilitas menggunakan rumus Singh dan <br /> Chaudary. Analisis sidik lintas mengacu pada metoda matriks Singh dan Chaudary. Kelapa Genjah Salak dengan sistem <br /> penyerbukan sendiri memiliki waktu berbunga 34,74 bulan dan tinggi batang 51,75 cm, lebih baik dibandingkan dengan <br /> kelapa Genjah Salak yang menyerbuk terkendali (waktu berbunga 35,99 bulan; tinggi batang 52,51 cm) dan penyerbukan <br /> alami (waktu berbunga 36 bulan; tinggi batang 56,76 cm). Nilai heritabilitas pada kelapa Genjah Salak menyerbuk <br /> sendiri yang berkorelasi langsung dengan karakter hasil adalah tinggi batang (r = 0,383; h2 = 84,0%), jumlah bekas daun <br /> (r = 0,442; h2 = 63,0 %), dan jumlah bunga betina (r = 0,344; h2 = 75,0%). Metode terbaik untuk meningkatkan produk-<br /> tivitas kelapa Genjah Salak adalah dengan sistem penyerbukan sendiri karena memiliki nilai heritabilitas tinggi dan <br /> berkorelasi langsung dengan karakter hasil.</p><p>Kata kunci: Heritabilitas, koefisien sidik lintas, sistim penyerbukan, kelapa Genjah Salak.</p><p> </p><p>Heritability and Path Analysis on Vegetative and Generative Characters of Salak Dwarf Coconut Generated from Three Pollination System </p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">ABSTRACT </span></p><p>The diversity of Salak Dwarf components that can be used as a criterion of selection affecting the rate of flowering and yield have not been investigated. The research aims to obtain the best method of pollination in improvement of Salak dwarf coconut productivity by calculating the heritability of thirteen vegetative and generative characters. Twelve characters attributed to the production of fruits were investigated. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with three pollination system as the treatments, four replications, conducted at the Paniki Experimental Garden, North Sulawesi, from 2011 until 2014. Treatments consisted of self-pollination system (full sib), controlled pollination system (half sib) and open pollination system. Thirteen characters measured were stem height, girth of stem, number of leaf scars, number of leaves, leaf length, petiole length, number of leaflets, length of leaflet, number of bunches, number of spikelet, number of female flowers, day of flowering, and number of fruit per bunch. Analysis of heritability using the formula of Singh and Chaudary. Path coefficient analysis using matrix model by Shing and Chaudary. Salak dwarf coconut with self-pollination system has better effect of rate of flowering (34.74 month), and height of stem (51.75 cm) compared to the salak dwarf coconut with controlled pollination (rate of flowering 35.99 months; height of stem 52.51 cm) and Salak dwarf coconut with open pollination (rate flowering 36 months; height of stem 56.76 cm). To improve the productivity of Salak dwarf coconut, the best method of pollination is self-pollinated. Heritability value on self-pollinate of Salak dwarf coconut which correlates directly with the character of yield was the height of stem (r =0.383; h2=84.0%), the number of leafscars (r =0.442; h2=63.0%), and the number of female flowers (r =0344; h2=75.0%). The best method to increase the productivity of Salak dwarf coconut through self pollination since it has high heritability values and correlates directly with the character of yield.</p>Keywords : Heritability, coefficient of path analysis, pollination systems, salak dwarf coconut.