Abstrak: Upaya penekanan angka kejadian COVID-19 melalui pendidikan kesehatan gerakan 5M protokol kesehatan telah dilakukan. Namun, angka kejadian COVID-19 di Indonesia khususnya di Sumba Timur tetap ada. Hal ini dikarenakan belum sepenuhnya masyarakat sadar dan patuh pada protokol kesehatan pencegahan covid-19, juga karena stigma yang berkembang di masyarakat tentang COVID-19. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan pencegahan COVID-19 melalui penerapan protokol kesehatan melalui gerakan 5M pada tingkat sekolah dasar di Kelurahan Temu. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendidikan kesehatan melalui penyuluhan, demonstrasi dan redemonstrasi mencuci tangan oleh siswasiswi Sekolah Dasar Ndata di Kelurahan Temu dengan jumlah 57 orang. Evaluasi dilakukan setelah kegiatan selesai yakni evaluasi pengetahuan yang dilakukan secara lisan dan evaluasi kemampuan dalam melakukan gerakan 5M protokol kesehatan. Hasil evaluasi pengetahuan dan kemampuan melakukan gerakan pencegahan 5M protokol kesehatan didapatkan 94,7% peserta mempunyai respon baik saat penyuluhan, terlihat antusias dan mampu menjawab pertanyaan dan 96,49% peserta bisa mempraktikan secara tepat gerakan protokol kesehatan 5M pencegahan COVID-19.Abstract: Efforts to suppress the incidence of COVID-19 through health education in the 5M health protocol movement have been carried out. However, the number of cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia, especially in East Sumba, remains. This is because the public is not fully aware and obedient to the COVID-19 prevention health protocol, as well as the growing stigma in society about COVID-19. The purpose of this service activity is to increase students' knowledge and abilities in preventing COVID-19 through the application of health protocols through the 5M movement at the elementary school level in Temu Village. The method used is health education through counseling, demonstrations and hand washing demonstrations by Ndata Elementary School students in Temu Village with a total of 57 people. The evaluation was carried out after the activity was completed, namely the evaluation of knowledge that was carried out orally and evaluation of the ability to carry out the 5M health protocol movement. The results of the evaluation of knowledge and ability to carry out the 5M health protocol prevention movement showed that 94.7% of participants had a good response during counseling, looked enthusiastic and able to answer questions and 96.49% of participants could practice the 5M health protocol movement to prevent COVID-19.