Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) merupakan salah satu produk hortikultura dari kelompok tanaman sayuran umbi - umbian. Kentang varietas Granola berdasarkan morfologinya, Warna kulit kuning dengan bentuk umbinya lonjong atau oval. Penelitian dan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji perpindahan panas dan perpindahan massa melalui pendekatan matematika. Alat penyimpanan bibit kentang sistem para – para dengan aliran udara paksa. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian terdiri dari suhu bahan, suhu udara dan kelembaban udara. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan selama 63 hari, kenaikan kelembaban udara di masing – masing rak yang bervariasi antara, 0.306 – 0,636 uap air/kg udara, dengan penurunan kadar air 0,05% – 0,49%. Aliran udara secara paksa mencapai kecepatan, 0,73m/det – 2,16m/det. Berdasarkan analisis neraca massa, kelembaban udara relatif, 75,17% – 80,85%. Sedangkan pada neraca energi, panas relative, 798794.716wat/det - 2750968.703wat/det dan mampu menyediakan oksigen yang baik, dengan suhu berkisaran antara, 30,49ºC – 30,02ºC. Berdasarkan fenomena panas respirasi hasil perhitungan persamaan matematika, menunjukan tinggi rak mempengarui perpindahan panas yang dialami umbi kentang. Terlihat pada ketinggian rak ke- 3, jika diukur dari dasar rak memiliki tinggi 75cm, menunjukan panas, 529.8427936wat dengan perubahan panas relatif berkisar, 19.7wat/det – (-5.3wat/det). Sedangkan rak ke- 5, dengan tinggi rak 125cm, menunjukan panas, 523.8831259wat dengan perubahan panas relative berkisar, 16.8wat/det – (-4.8watt/det) pada rak- 5.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are one of the horticultural products of the group of root vegetable crops - tubers. Potatoes varieties Granola by their morphology, yellow skin color with the shape of the tubers is oval. This research conducted with the aim of studying heat transfer and mass transfer through a mathematical approach. Potato seedling storage device para - para system with forced air flow. The parameters observed in the study consist of the temperature of the material, air temperature and air humidity. Based on the results of observations for 63 days, the increase in air humidity on each shelf varied between, 0.306 – 0.636 water vapor/kg of air, with a decrease in water content of 0.05% – 0.49%. The airflow forcibly reaches a speed, 0.73m/sec – 2.16m/sec. Based on the analysis of the mass balance, the relative air humidity, 75.17% – 80.85%. While on the energy balance, relative heat, 798794.716wat/det - 2750968.703wat/det and able to provide good oxygen, with temperatures ranging between, 30.49ºC - 30.02ºC. Based on the phenomenon of heat respiration, the results of mathematical equation calculations show that the height of the shelf affects the heat transfer experienced by potato tubers. Seen at the height of the 3rd shelf, when measured from the bottom of the rack has a height of 75cm, indicating heat, 529.8427936wat with relative heat changes ranging, 19.7wat/sec – (-5.3wat/sec). While the 5th shelf, with a shelf height of 125cm, shows heat, 523.8831259watt with a relatively ranged heat change, 16.8wat/sec – (-4.8wat/sec) on the shelf- 5.