Qorina Garden is a business engaged in selling ornamental plants that was established in September 2020. Currently all transactions at Qorina Garden are carried out in the conventional way, namely by meeting face to face or via whatsapp chat. This is a problem for Qorina Garden, while during the pandemic, with all the limitations of mobility, it causes buyers to do more online transaction activities. Conducting research stages in the form of interviews and observations, analyzing system requirements and selecting e-commerce applications so that a website is built, by utilizing the WordPress Content Management System and supporting plugins. This website was developed using the Business Model Canvas and Unified Modeling Language methods. This website has features for inputting product data, creating product categories, processing orders, verifying payments, and printing reports every month to find out the sales profit. So it is hoped that with this e-commerce website Qorina Garden will get a positive impact in the form of a wider marketing coverage so that it can answer sales problems and can increase sales and income at Qorina Garden. Using SEO optimization (Search Engine Optimization) to get the top position in search engines so that e-commerce websites can help in terms of product marketing. For the results of the report generated, namely the best-selling product sales report that can display the most purchased products.