Panel is a form of alternative energy that is widely used by humans today to be managed into electrical energy. Solar panels are made of semiconductor materials, especially silicon which is coated by a special additive. When sunlight approaches the cell, the electrons will be released from the silicon atoms and flow to form an electrical circuit so that electrical energy can be generated. The results of the study, where the transfer or switching carried out by the relay was orderead by the coding of the arduino uno. At the time before the transfer of switching, the arduino uno will delay a few seconds before switching the source. Where this ATS perfomance is controlled throught a magnetic force from an oen condition to a closed condition. As abreaker and a power connector, this tool has a material in the from of connecting contact point has a large size so that it can distribute large power loads. Then the contact point has a large size so that it can distribute large electric currents, one example of a type of breaker and connector ia an AC and DC relay as an automatic regulating device. From the results of the analysis it is concluded that the Switching Automatic Transfer Switch work process can be carried out by the relay on the order of the coding from Arduino UNO automatically