An extensive measurement campaign, covering a representative set of typical buildings in an urban area and aimed at building penetration loss for satellite services at L-, S-and C-band, was performed in Prague in the summer of 2009. Throughout the measurements, a remote-controlled airship was used as a pseudosatellite carrying a transmitter which provided unmodulated continuous wave left-handed circularly polarized signals at 2.0 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.0 GHz, and 6.5 GHz. A description of the measurement campaign is provided here, together with a thorough analysis of the resulting experimental data. A significant dependence on elevation angle is reported for line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight propagation conditions separately. Subsequent steps to introduce elevation dependent empirical models at corresponding frequencies follow. Finally, a comparison to other studies dealing with building penetration loss for high elevation angles is presented.