The aim to be achieved by holding this research is to determine the comparison of financial performance after the implementation of Fintech in BUMN banking for the period 2012-2021. The data used in this research is secondary data. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling method. The analysis of this study used the normality test and the average comparative test. The variables used to measure financial performance in this study are LDR, NPL, ROA, and BOPO. In the comparative test before and after the implementation of fintech for Bank BRI the variables of NPL, ROA, and BOPO showed the results of sig value < 0.05 so there was a significant difference, but in the variable of LDR the sig value > 0.05 so there was no significant difference. For Bank BNI, the variable of ROA show sig values < 0.05 so there was a significant difference, but the variables of LDR, NPL, and BOPO shows a sig value > 0.05 so there was no significant difference. For Bank Mandiri, all variables show a sig value > 0.05 so there was no significant difference. For Bank BTN, the variables of ROA and BOPO show a sig value < 0.05 so there was a significant difference, while the variables of LDR and NPL show a sig value > 0.05 so there was no significant difference. This study reaffirms the importance of applying Fintech. BUMN banking is expected to maximize the use of fintech services in transaction activities because fintech can improve the image of banking names with ease and sophistication. That way the banking financial performance will run smoothly, to increase profitability.