The purpose of this study is to detect factors that encourage an increase in auditor professionalism skepticism so that they are able to produce quality audits. It is realized that audit quality comes from a good audit process and the auditor puts forward a good attitude of professional skepticism. The results of this study indicate that the experience and competence of auditors can increase the attitude of skepticism of auditor professionalism and audit quality. In addition, the skepticism of the auditor's professionalism is able to mediate the experience of the auditor and the competence of the auditor affects the quality of the audit. For KAP, especially in the city of Medan, it has an obligation to provide an equal portion of audit assignments to all auditors and provide opportunities for auditors to improve their abilities by attending education and training from both formal and non-formal educational institutions.
Keywords: Experience, Competence, Skepticism, Audit Quality.