Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop a model of employee performance involving career, organizational spirituality, and discipline.
Method: The research method is a survey method by distributing questionnaires to 150 employees and using the SEM (structural equation modeling) analysis tool. researchers distributed questionnaires via gGoogleform, and classify, and analyze the model.
Result: The findings of the outer model research show that all indicators are valid, and the hypothesis test is accepted as significant. Career variables and organizational spirituality have a direct effect on discipline, namely 0.260 and 0.689. While career and organizational spiritual variables have a direct effect on employee performance of 0.233 and 0.435. Career and spiritual mediation and employee discipline have a direct effect of 0.187, 0.230 ,and 0.334.
Limitation: Research limitations. Researchers limit the survey area to only the city of Cilegon, so it is necessary to invade the research object in order to produce a more established model.
Novelty: The novelty of the research is involving organizational spirituality as another perception to increase sales.