Salah satu sumber modal perusahaan diperoleh melalui pinjaman. Bank sebelum menyalurkan dananya akan mempertimbangkan besaran risiko bagi ke dua belah pihak. Risiko default risk yang dimliki perusahaan akan berbanding lurus dengan biaya pinjaman yang akan diberikan. Cara menekan default risk perusahaan ialah dengan melakukan tindakan monitoring. Tindakan monitoring yang dimaksudkan ialah dengan mengaplikasikan good corporate governance (GCG) juga monitoring dari kualitas audit eksternal. Riset ini bertujuan menjelaskan dan mengananlisis apakah GCG dan audit quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cost of bank loans. Pada riset ini GCG diwakili dengan 3 (tiga) variabel yaitu; kepemilikan institusional, komite audit, dan dewan komisaris independen. Terdapat beberapa variabel kontrol dalam riset ini yaitu; leverage, ukuran perusahaan, return on asset, probabilitas kebangkrutan, dan current ratio. Penelitian ini memiliki 141 amatan dengan 25 sampel dan 45 populasi. Kelayakan data diuji dengan statistic deskriptive dan uji asumsi klasik yang selanjutnya di analisis memakai analisis multiple linear regression. Hasil riset menyimpulkan secara parsial hanya kualitas audit yang terbukti berpengaruh negatif terhadap cost of bank loans. Sementara variabel kepemilkan institusional, komite audit, dan dewan komisaris independen juga variabel kontrol yaitu variabel leverage, ukuran perusahaan, ROA, probabilitas kebangkrutan, dan current ratio secara parsial tidak ditemukan adanya keberpengaruhan terhadap cost of bank loans.
One source of company capital is obtained through loans. The bank before distributing the funds will consider the amount of risk for both parties. The risk of default risk owned by the company will be directly proportional to the loan costs that will be given. The way to reduce company default risk is to carry out monitoring actions through the implementation of good corporate governance and external audit quality. This research aims to explain and analyze whether good corporate governance and audit quality have a significant effect on the cost of bank loans. Good corporate governance in this research is represented by 3 (three) variables namely; the proportion of institutional ownership, the number of audit committees, and the proportion of independent commissioners. There are several control variables in this research, namely; leverage, company size, return on assets, bankruptcy probability, and current ratio. This study has 141 observations with 25 samples and 45 populations. The feasibility of the data was tested with descriptive statistics and classical assumption tests which were then analyzed using multiple linear regression. The research results concluded that partially only audit quality proved to have a negative effect on the cost of bank loans. Meanwhile, institutional ownership, audit committee, and independent board of commissioners variables as well as control variables, namely leverage, firm size, ROA, bankruptcy probability, and current ratio, partially found no effect on the cost of bank loans.