B. pectinirostris constructs different shapes of burrows on the surface of the sediment because of different functions. This study was to determine the effect of burrows on total organic matter (TOM) on the sediment surface in the mangrove ecosystem in Pandansari Brebes, Central Java. Sampling was divided into mangrove areas and muddy beach areas. The shape of the burrows was visually observed in a year. TOM was taken from inside and outside the burrow in June and September using a syringe and analyzed by the LOI method. B. pectinirostris had circular burrow openings at the same height as the ground surface. At the mouth of the burrow, there were traces of fish coming in and out. The diameter of the burrows was around 3-4cm in the muddy beach area and 2-9cm in the mangrove area. TOM in the mangrove area inside the burrow was 9,034±0,851% and outside was 8,470%±0,967% and in the muddy beach area inside the burrow was 8,754%±0,476% and outside was 8,558%±0,924%. There was no difference in TOM inside and outside the burrow in the two areas (P>0.05). It is likely caused by the locomotion of fish and tidal stirring, so the burrows do not function as a TOM trap.