The purpose of this study was to develop the High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) instrument for the comprehensive examination of students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, which was applied through a Computer Based Test (CBT). Students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program who currently have to go through a comprehensive written test / paper test, will later be able to take a comprehensive exam more effectively through digitalization of the test. The comprehensive exam being developed requires a computer device and will be integrated with the SIPDA UNIMED Learning Management System (LMS). With the CBT comprehensive exam and the quality of the items adjusted to the High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), it is hoped that it will have a good impact in producing quality graduates of the Cosmetology Education Study Program. Research and development using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) is the methodology used in this study. Data was collected by testing the validity of the items and the dependability of the questions. Furthermore, trials were carried out on respondents, namely 30 students of cosmetology education study programs and 3 study program managers. Then proceed with the feasibility test of the CBT instrument by experts. The results showed that the computer-based comprehensive examination instrument developed was valid, practical, and could be used to measure the competence of students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program.