Rice bran is one of waste products from rice processing that can be used as nonruminant feed ingredients, but high crude fiber contained limited its utilization. Reducing crude fiber content requires processing such as fermentation. Fermentation requires carbohydrates such as palmyra sap. The purpose of this research was to determine the changes in the content of dry matter, crude fiber and ash of rice bran added with palmyra sap at different fermentation periods. This research used a Complete Random Design with four treatments and five replications. The four treatments are DN0: without fermentation, DN3: 3 days fermentation, DN6: 6 days fermentation, and DN9: 9 days fermentation. The parameters measured were the content of dry matter, crude fiber, and ash. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that fermentation periods decreased the crude fiber and ash content but had no significant effect on the dry matter content of rice bran. The 3 days fermentation period resulting the lowest crude fiber content.