The increasingly fierce and competitive business world competition has resulted in many companies having to be able to maintain their business viability. In order to survive, the value of the company is the most important part for a company. In addition to profitability which is one of the financial factors, company value can also be influenced by non financial factors, namely CSR Disclosure. This study was conducted by the author to analyze the effect of the independent variables namely CSR Disclosure (X1), Profitability (X2) on the dependent variable Firm Value (Y), with the moderating variable Media Exposure (Z). This research used was type of quantitative. The research population was 53 consumer goods companies and 17 companies were selected as research samples with a total of 68 observations. The documentation technique is used as data collection, while the data analysis used in this study includes the analysis of the outer model and inner model is the data analysis used in this study with the SmartPLS 3 (Partial Least Square) program. The results of the research that have been obtained are (1) CSR Disclosure has and effect on Company Value, (2) Profitability has an effect on Company Value, (3) Media Exposure has been proven to weaken the influence of CSR Disclosure on Company Value, and (4) Media Exposure can’t moderate the influence of Profitability on Company Value.