Dysmenorrhea is a lower abdominal pain that occurs before menstruation or during a menstrual period. To overcome dysmenorrhea non-pharmacologically, one technique is deep breathing relaxation. This technique can reduce dysmenorrhea in adolescents because it can relax the body and provide a sense of comfort so that the intensity of the pain felt gradually disappears. This study’s purpose was to analyze the effect of the deep breathing relaxation technique on reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescents. This was a literature review, and articles were found through Google Scholar and Garuda Dikti. The results of the five articles that were identified showed that, before the breathing relaxation technique was carried out, the majority of adolescents experienced moderate pain; then after it was carried out, the majority of adolescents experienced a decrease in pain to mild; there were additional adolescents who did not feel any pain. These changes were significant (shown by p-values < 0.05). It can therefore be concluded that deep breathing relaxation can help to decrease dysmenorrhea in adolescents. Changes can be seen when the technique is practiced for 5-30 minutes.
Keywords: deep breathing relaxation, dysmenorrhea, adolescents