North Lombok Waters have a fairly high level of diversity. Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs) are light-dependent coral reef communities ranging from 30-40 meters and extending to the bottom of the photic zone to a depth of 150 meters. Sponges are the main constituent of MCEs that have many benefits, but their existence is poorly understood. This study aims to determine the distribution of marine sponges in Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs). Data was taken in September 2020 using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method. Pictures were taken at a depth of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 meters at 3 stations. Macroscopic identification of sponges based on underwater photos. The identification results found 32 genera of sponges spread over 3 stations in the waters of North Lombok. The deeper you go, the more genera are found at the three research stations. Out of 32 genera, sponge abundance dependent on depth only influences 5 genera. We anticipate additional factors affecting the 27 genera of sponges, but further research is necessary. The ANOVA test results showed that several sponges genera were significantly different between depths, namely Callyspongia, Theonella, Clathria, Stylotella, and Spirastrella.