Learning style is one of the mandatory factors that must be considered since prospective students enter the education unit. Learning styles should be considered for the achievement of educational goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning style of students in class XII MIPA at SMA N 1 Kalasan which can be used as a reference for teachers in applying suitable learning media and models. The research method used is descriptive, the research population includes all students at SMA N 1 Kalasan with a sample of XII MIPA class at SMA N 1 Kalasan which is determined by random sampling. Data analysis was done quantitatively by presenting the results of a closed questionnaire. The results obtained in this study are in class XII MIPA 1, XII MIPA 2, and class XII MIPA 4 the average student has a learning style with a visual type. In class XII MIPA 3 has an auditorial learning style. Therefore, teachers must adjust the learning media and learning models used.