This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning media of probability in math for students with visual impairments. The type of research used is quasi-experimental with a quantitative approach and a One Group Pre Test - Post Test Design. This research was conducted at 5 grades of SDLB Yayasan Kesejahteraaan Tunanetra Islam. The results of the total accumulation in the pre-test, the five participants got in average the accumulated score of 18.6 with a percentage of 37.2%. Then they got treatment by using learning media of probability material for blind students and a post-test was done, the results of the accumulated scores obtained by the five participants were on average 44 with a percentage of 88%. Thus, the average positive change score of the five subjects was 25.4 with a percentage of 50.8%. In addition, because the results obtained by T count were the same as the T table, T count is in the position of the rejection area for Ho with a significance level of 0.01. Therefore, based on these calculations, it can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So, the conclusion is that there is very significant effectiveness in the learning media of probability materials for blind students.
Keywords: Probability Material, Learning Media; Blind Students.
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