In the presentation of information which are effective and efficient, it is required a media that can display the information in a way that can be easily understood. The information of examination results in Perguruan Tinggi Raharja are now can be easily accessible by lecturers, heads of majors and college students through Pen+ (Penilaian Plus). However, the process of providing information in Pen+ (Penilaian Plus) is still using tables, making it less in accordance with the current technological advances. In this paper, there will be a method with 7 (seven) steps used to overcome 5 (five) problems, and 2 (two) solutions by applying Highcharts and Google Charts. The advantages of Pen+ (Penilaian Plus) is it can be accessed via website or mobile, and there are others advantages as which to reduce the usage of paper, so it can assist the lecuter’s work in doing the assessment. With using charts as a media information provider in Pen+ (Penilaian Plus), the lecturers, heads of majors and college students can know the examination results more easily. Then it can be concluded, the use of Highcharts and Google Charts can improve the quality and overcome the problems in Pen+ (Penilaian Plus).
Keywords - Pen+ (Penilaian Plus), Charts, Viewboard