Children differ from adults in the fact that they go through a continuous process of growth and development. Every parent hopes that their child can grow and develop optimally. To assess these expectations, regular monitoring is required. One of many ways to achieve this is the use of the Mother and Child Health (MHC) book published by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. This book contains complete information about maternal and child health and can be read by parents. In the current study, efforts to increase the use of MCH books were carried out offline by providing education to parents and health workers, and by assessing the extent to which MCH books had been completed. The education session was attended by about 100 parents and health workers, and the MCH book assessment was attended by 41 mothers with toddlers. Of these, 10 did not have an MCH book, while 18 out of the remaining 31 showed a low level of completion. The sections that were most often filled in were the health cards growth and immunization charts. During the assessment, the implementing team also invited parents to complete the MCH book so that their child's growth and development could be better documented. Health workers are expected to fill out the MCH book when toddlers are brought to health facilities, whether they are healthy or sick. This community service program can increase the ability of parents and health workers to use and complete the MCH books in order to monitor children's growth and development.