Indonesia was part of the first Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) adopter since 1993 [8]. The motivation of SDIs development is to connect thematics spatial data among governments agencies in Local and Central Governments. Data sharing able to reduce data redundancy and allows spatial data to be used multiple times for various purposes [21, 12]. Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2014 concerning the National Geospatial Information Network, Central and Local Government develop their geoportal or web gis. This research aims to evaluate the web gis or geoportal at local level based on Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude Toward Using (ATU), and Actual Usage (AU). The data source of this research is correspondent’s questionnaire answer. The questionnaire filled up by Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda) in Indonesia. To obtain research results, the step of study is developing questionnaire, sending questionnaire, questionnaire recapitulation, hypothesis formulation, Strucured Equation Model (SEM) modeling, and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) calculations. the questions in the questionnaire must refer to the four basic SEM models so that there is no blank value in any of the models. The benefits of this research can predict the adoption of SDIs at the local level and evaluate user respond about ease, convenience, and consistency in using geoportals at districts/cities level for sharing data. As a result of this research, TAM can evaluate the acceptance of geoportal at Local Government. In this research, TAM was able to assess the hypotheses used in this study. Among the 5 hypotheses, 3 hypotheses were accepted because they had a t-value greater than 0.05. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be obtained that local governments can receive the convenience and benefits of geoportals or web GIS as a service for sharing spatial data.