Early repair with degloving method is effective method in postoperative erectile success in young patients.
ABSTRACTWhat's known on the subject? and What does the study add?
ObjectiveIn this study, we aimed to present clinical characteristics and repair outcomes in patients who had sexual intercourse-induced penile trauma and underwent early surgical repair in our clinic.
Materials and MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated records of patients who underwent early surgical repair due to penile trauma between 2004 and 2014 in our clinic. Preoperative, peroperative and postoperative data were analyzed. Patient characteristics, penile trauma characteristics, pre-trauma and postoperative International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function Domain Scores (IIEF-ED), and operation features were evaluated.
ResultsTwenty-six male patients who were admitted to the emergency room with penile trauma and underwent early surgical repair were investigated. Four patients had only dorsal vein laceration and twenty-two had corpus cavernosum rupture. Postoperative erectile dysfunction was observed in three patients (the patients were older than 45 years of age, a patients had bilateral corpus cavernosum rupture and two patients had concomitant urethral trauma). Early repair was successful (86.4%) in the remaining 19 patients. The average erection hardness grade and IIEF-ED value were 4.75 and 28.6 before penile fracture; postoperative mean erection hardness grade and IIEF-ED value were found to be 4.2 and 24.9, respectively (p>0.05).
ConclusionAs a result, in sexual intercourse-induced penile fracture, early repair with degloving approach is effective method in postoperative erectile success in young patients and patients with isolated unilateral fractures.
KeywordsPenile fracture, early repair, International Index of Erectile FunctionErectile Function Domain Scores, urethral injury, erectile dysfunction
AmaçBu çalışmada cinsel ilişki nedenli penil travması olan ve kliniğimizde erken cerrahi onarım uygulanan hastaların klinik özellikleri ve onarım sonuçlarını sunmayı amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntem
BulgularPenil travma nedenli acil servise başvuran ve degloving yöntemi ile erken cerrahi onarım uygulan 26 erkek hasta incelendi. Hastaların dördünde sadece dorsal ven laserasyonu, yirmi ikisinde kavernozum rüptürü mevcuttu. Üç hastada (üç hasta da 45 yaş üstüydü, birinde bilateral rüptür ve ikisinde eşlik eden üretral travma mevcuttu) postoperatif erektil disfonksiyon olduğu gözlendi. Geri kalan on dokuz hastada (%86,4) erken onarımın başarılı olduğu saptandı. Tüm hastaların fraktür öncesi ortalama ereksiyon sertlik derecesi 4,75 ve IIEF-ED değeri 28,6 iken, postoperatif ereksiyon sertlik derecesi 4,2 ve IIEF-ED değeri 24,9 saptandı (p>0,05).
SonuçSonuç olarak cinsel ilişki sonucu gelişen penil fraktürlerde degloving yöntemi ile erken onarımın genç ve izole tek taraflı fraktürlerde postoperatif ereksiyon başarısında etkili yöntem olduğu söylenebilir.
Anahtar KelimelerPenil fraktür, erken onarım, Uluslararası Erektil Fonksiyon İndeksi...