Accounting information has a very important role for investors, especially in the context of making an investment decision, however inequality of information (asymmetry of information) in a large company will always occur, the company or other owners or users of financial statements will prioritize their own interests. Companies will be afraid to disclose information that is not expected by users of financial statements, so they tend to manipulate financial statements. Currently, accountants compile financial statements in the form of numeric tables, this is in accordance with the Accounting Standard Guidelines as a reference. Meanwhile, the thing that has not been paid attention so far is how other parties who are not accountants but have an interest in financial reports, as untrained, educated, and having no experience in accounting certainly cannot better interpret the company's financial condition. Meanwhile, one of the general functions of accounting is to provide useful information for its use in order to make a decision, so that financial statement communication can be carried out effectively and efficiently. A phenomenon that has occurred in 2019 in Indonesia is that there is a doctor named Gamal Albinsaid, who lacks knowledge and experience in the field of accounting, mentioning that BUMN debt has swelled in the Jokowi Era which was uploaded on Twitter social media and denied by financial planners. 'Apparently, many netizens are trying to straighten out tweetsDr.Gamal Albinsaid. Among them are the Twitter account owner @MohammadMakruf. He explained about the meaning of BUMN debt. According to him, the money that the customer keeps isdebtfor the bank. So, he said, ifdebtBUMNrepaid, that means the bank is closed. According to him, it is the basic science of accounting lessons '(Febrianti, 2019). The above phenomenon shows that users of financial reports who are not educated in the field of accounting are less precise in interpreting the financial condition of a company so that the information provided can disturb the general public who do not understand accounting information. Therefore, the researcher intends to find a way of presentation that can simultaneously display several dimensions in an overall acceptable format. The format that can be fulfilled is the pictorial or image method.(Moriarity, 1979) states that respondents can easily detect changes in the faces presented, even more quickly and accurately than using accounting numbers or ratios derived from the financial statements. (Kartadjumena et al., 2012) Accounting information presented using Chernoff's schematic face will be more efficient and effective for users of accounting information.