This report summarizes the third cycle of annualized inventory of Pennsylvania with field data collected from 2009 through 2014. Pennsylvania has 16.9 million acres of forest land dominated by sawtimber stands of oak/hickory and maple/beech/birch forest-type groups. Volumes continue to increase as the forests age with an average of 2,244 cubic feet per acre on timberland. Sawtimber volume has risen 24 percent in 10 years to 115 billion board feet. Net growth outpaced removals by a ratio of 2.4:1 on timberland. Additional information on land-use change, fragmentation, ownership, forest composition, structure and age distribution, carbon stocks, regeneration, invasive plants, insect pests, and wood products is also presented. Sets of supplemental tables are available online at and contain: 1) tables that summarize quality assurance and 2) a core set of tabular estimates for a variety of forest resources.
AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank those who contributed to this assessment of Pennsylvania's forest resources. The dedicated and vital data collection staff who took the measurements upon which this analysis is based are: